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Product Features
The Auto arts Ovemhau Kitis a comprehensiNesolution for your vehide maintenance needs.0urkit incudes a fu set ot hiah-cuaty caskets and seak,.ensuina optimal peromance and eak prevenion
High-Quality Materials
Each componentin the kit is craed ftom durable materials made to withstand hioh temperatues and pressures promising relabiity and eticiency in vadous conditions
Includes a variety of gaskets: head gasket, intake manifold gasket, exhaust manifold gasket, etc.
Comes with premium seals to avoid leakage.
Suitable for a wide range of vehicles.
User Value
Our ovethaul kit not ony maximizes vehicle eficiency but also reduces long-term maintenance costs.It is an ideal choice for workshos striving to provide hioh-standard reoair senices
Application scenarios
This overhaul kit is perfect for use in professional automotive repair shops, DlY auto enthusiasts, and for those involved in maintaining fleet vehicles.
About Guangzhou Honafu Auto Parts co.. to
Locatedin the heart of Guangzhou'sautomotive industyatG39-G41,Dongyi Auto arts City, Tianyuan Road,Tianhe istict we are dedicated to delivering quaty automotive parts with esxceptiona austome service.
Contact Information
Phone: 0086-13824438093
Address: G39-G41, Dongyi Auto Parts City, Tianyuan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province